
NASA Finds Evidence of Flowing Water on Mars

The dark streaks in this photo may indicate water streaming remove cliffs happening Mars. [Photo: NASA]

The space shuttle program might be over, but NASA's still problematic busy. The agency recently released data and photos that suggest that Mars might receive flowing body of water during its warmer months.

Using 3D imaging, NASA studied Mars's terrain over the planet's four seasons, and found that water appeared to follow flowing down slopes during leap out and summer, and that these streams disappear completely in winter. NASA discovered these possible water flows in the mid latitudes of the planet's Confederate hemisphere, and the body of water is believed to be briny (i.e. slightly salty).

NASA's data show that there are at the least 1,000 long and separate flows of water off these slopes. It's also worth noting that in the northern hemisphere, scientists antecedently discovered evidence of frozen pools of pee and geological changes, much as new slopes and gullies.

Of course, if what NASA has found is so water, it does raise a few questions. For instance, at its coldest, temperatures on Mars dismiss get land to -125°F–well below the freezing point of water. However, National Aeronautics and Space Administration states that salt water is able to resist colder temperatures than normal water, and Mars can turn out to around 23°F in its summer season, so it might constitute possible for there to personify liquid water on the planet's surface. NASA is not yet sure wherefore some of the slopes appear to look so dark around the water, though.

The discovery was made past the University of Grand Canyon State's Satellite and Planetary Laboratory, using the HiRISE Mars photographic camera.

Of course, NASA hasn't proven anything just yet, only if this is really demonstrate of streamlined water, it could live some other indicator that imbe or microorganism life is possible on Mars.

Suss out the incredible images on NASA's website to find dead more about the discovery.


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